Statement of intent 2nd draft

Film title: Struggles
Genre: Coming of age
Tagline: Struggles to strength
Setting (Mis-en-scene):
I will be making the genre very clear by using the different conventions and meeting the brief. I will make sure that it is appropriate for before the watershed. The three locations I will be using is the home which will be the main place my main character will be, seeing as she is only just moving in and she does not have much to do because she is new to the neighbourhood. The estate will be used which is very common for a coming of age film trailer, for example there is films such as Kidulthood where the streets and estate is used to fit the genre even more. The last location that I will be using is the park seeing as it implies youthfulness and that is a perfect feeling for a coming of age film trailer.
The trailer will clearly show the plot which is that there is a young girl Aysia, aged 19, with a child, Sadie, and she finally gets away with her child from a troubled life she used to have before which was filled with abuse. She moves in to her new home with her daughter, Sadie, and eventually becomes slightly depressed. She bumps into a friend from her old neighbourhood and they become quite close until one day she asks her to set up someone and she will pay her lots of money. She is tempted by the offer but she declines it and he seems to take it okay. Towards the end of the trailer, it will become more intense when she gets out of the shower and goes out to check on her child and notices she has been kidnapped and the door is open. It will end off with her searching everywhere and then getting a text on her phone from her ‘old friend’ telling her she has to listen to what he tells her or she will not see her child again.
Make-up and costume:
 My main character will be called “Aysia” and her child will be called “Sadie”. Seeing as she is supposed to be a teenager she will not dress too conservative and she will wear make-up. Her child will dress like a young child so the audience know that she is clearly very young. The way my character is portrayed in her appearance is a very dominant reading (Stuart Hall), as I feel that it will be simpler for the audience to infer that she is a young girl.  


Lighting and sounds:
The lighting will be natural seeing as it is a coming of age film and is supposed to feel as real life as possible and not exaggerated. There will be phone conversations in the trailer, which is diegetic and these conversations are very important in this film.
Camera shots:
There will be many close ups on the characters so that it is clear to the viewers that they are the significant people in the film and they can get a good look at them. The wide and establishing shots helps show the conventions of a coming of age film on the actors. For example you can see how they are dressed and their make-up.

Target audience:
 My target audience will be teenagers and young adults of the working or middle class seeing as some of them could probably relate or sympathise with the main character in the story. If we link this to Blumler and Katz Uses & Gratifications theory, this would be ‘personal identity’ seeing as someone could gain empathy from relationships with the characters and the experiences they are going through. Some could watch this film just for entertainment (diversion) which could also be a form of escapism, some people simply enjoy the thrill of watching a movie with dilemmas and risks and since this trailer involves a kidnapping I’m sure it would leave this group of people intrigued. My film trailer would be put all over social media because that is a good platform for me to find my target audience seeing as teenagers and young adults use Instagram, Facebook etc. the most .
Film posters:
 My film posters will be distributed all across different estates and neighbourhoods that are not high class because I feel as if they will be more intrigued by a movie that is set in the same environment as there’s and they will find it easier to understand and relate. I will include the tagline ‘Struggles to strength’ which is quite catchy and the focal point will be my main characters.
Promotion and Disribution:
I will get companies such as “Grm Daily” and “Link Up TV” to promote for me because they have the perfect target audience and they have a large amount of followers. They post music for the same audience that I will be interested in selling my film to. I could work with 'Pathe' seeing as they have distributed movies similar to mine (e.g Kidulthood). I also feel like older people ( 20-30's) may be intrigued in my film seeing as it has a thrill. 


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