Pre Production

Film trailer: pre-production
When you're not receiving your Statement of Intent tutorial, you need to complete a series of pre-production planning tasks prior to shooting and editing your film trailer. Work through the following aspects in lesson time and for homework while tutorials take place in class:

1) Script

Fade In:

Moving into new home

Aliya and Sadie together moving into new home just after they have moved in all there boxes and belongings, Aliya is having a conversation with her daughter
We’re finally here babes, this is the start to a new positive life and I promise mummy will always be here to protect you and make sure you have everything you need. No one could ever hurt my baby ok? And if someone tried they’ll have me to deal with. Ok?

Ok mummy.

I love you princess.

I love you to mummy.

Second scene: Aliya is taking Sadie to her last day of school before half term and meets an old friend from her old neighbourhood 

Baby we need to leave now, come let me put your coat on

(Runs up to Aliya)

(Puts Sadie’s coat on)

Let’s leave then

(Walks out with Sadie) 

Third scene: Aliya sees old friend while she is walking back home from dropping Sadie to school

 Old friend:
Erm hello..


 Old friend:
Yeah(laughs) don’t you remember me ? We went Coston Village High School together, I was Maria’s best friend.

Oh my god, no way (hugs) what you doing around here

Old friend:
I’ve been here for like two years (laughs) it’s so boring, but anyways take my number babes, we can meet up soon.

Yeah defo (gives phone for old friend to type in her number)

After this scene there will be lots of snippets of the two friends together having fun. And then the old friend asks for a risky favour.

Old friend:
Bro, how you getting by though
What, like money wise
Old friend:
Yeah yeah.
Yeah we’re surviving
Old friend:
Mm, I could always help you

(laughs) I’m not taking your money

 Old friend:
(laughs) I never said that, I could get you a job you’ll get like 10k for it

What’s the job?

 Old friend:
My boys wanna get this guy set up but he knows my face. I could bring you in?

Broooo, no I’m not involved.

Old friend:
Fine then, live on your benefits (laughs)

(Laughs with her)

The next scene is when the old friend kidnaps Sadie

Baby you hungry?


 Old friend:
Not gonna ask me no?

(Laughs) I don’t care about you, I’m gonna wee myself. (Goes toilet)

Aliya is using the toilet but hears noise outside
What happened?


(Shouts) Sadie? Baby?


Flushes toilet in a rush and unlocks door

(Checks every room in the house/looks out of the window and does not find her friend or Sadie)

(Calls Aliya and there is no answer)

(Receives a call from friend while she is running outside)

Old friend:
(On phone call) I didn’t wanna have to do this Aliya but you wanted to act up, I wanted to help you out the struggles but you don’t want my help? I won’t hurt her as long as you do what I say but if you just agreed straight away I wouldn’t have had to do this. I’m gonna send you the location where the boy will be tomorrow and you need to seduce him just do your ting and bring him to Smiths Farm if you wanna see your little girl again, the quicker you are the quicker you get Sadie back, and don’t try nothing slick cause then I’ll have to hurt your daughter’s pretty little face.

the end

2) Mise-en-scene planning (CLAMPS)

- Clothing: Seeing as she is supposed to be a teenager she will not dress too conservative and she will wear make-up. Her child will dress like a young child so the audience know that she is clearly very young.

- Lighting: The lighting will be natural so that it seems like a real life situation and does not seem too exaggerated. It has to seem very normal so hopefully the days I shoot there will be sun or enough light for the setting to be clear  

- Actor: My actors clearly have to fit the film, therefore I will have a young looking main character seeing as it is a coming of age film and her child will obviously be a young girl. The best-friend of the main character (who is also significant) will be a teenage girl so it makes more sense that they become close seeing as they are the same age.

- Make-up: My make-up will be very stereotypical to modern day teenage girls, my main character will be wearing a full face of make up which is very normal for young girls in this generation.

- Props: My props will promote life of a teenager, this includes cigarettes, phones etc.

- Setting: The three locations I will be using is the home which will be the main place my main character will be seeing as she is only just moving in and she does not have much to do seeing as she is new to the neighbourhood, the estate will be used which is very common for a coming of age film trailer, for example there is films such as kidulthood where the streets and estate is used to fit the genre even more. The last location that I will be using is the park seeing as it implies youthfulness and that is a perfect feeling for a coming of age film trailer.

3) Shot list

Shot No. Description of the shot (type of shot etc.) Filmed?
  CU of the main character in her new house   
  MS of the mother and daughter in new home  
  ES of the neighbourhood   
  ES of the park near estate   
  MS of the mother and new friend  
  WS of the mother and new friend  
  CS of the mother and new friend   
  WS of the mother , friend and daughter  
  POV from mother (main character)  


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