Preliminary exercise: Feedback and learner response

After the screening of the preliminary exercises in class, you need to create a blogpost called 'Preliminary exercise learner response' and embed the video from YouTube. Then, complete the following tasks as your feedback and learner response:

1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full.

·         Camerawork is generally steady but there is a lack of variety of shots. Where are the close-ups to establish narrative and create an emotional connection for the audience? E.g. close up of your main character, close up on the phone screen to show who is calling etc.

·         The continuity editing is solid – there are a couple of cuts that could be a bit smoother but the shots play out as they should.

·         Audio is a problem – you can’t make out the conversation when you are walking down the stairs. Is this critical to the narrative?

·         The biggest issue is that this doesn’t meet the brief – the critical element being genre. I’m assuming as this clearly isn’t a horror scene then it’s coming of age drama but I can’t see any coming of age conventions either. Who is your character? What is their story? Where is the narrative going? How does it fit the coming of age drama genre? This is a critical learning point for the main coursework – which needs to be a trailer that clearly fits the chosen genre.

·         You also don’t meet a few other aspects of the brief – at least two characters, shot-reverse-shot, use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound etc. Again, these are things to reflect on and put right in the real coursework.

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and your teacher feedback, write three WWW bullet points (What Went Well) and three EBI bullet points (Even Better If...) for your film.

- The audio could be better so the conversation is heard more clearly

- Add close up shots so you could see that the character is stressed out
- Make the character seem younger so it is clear that it is a coming of age ( track suit, colloquial language)


- Continuity editing

- The camera was steady 
- The natural lighting 

3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your preliminary exercise statement of intent?

I followed the same narrative however it didn't come out as clear as I wanted, it was a scene from halfway through the movie so it could have been difficult for an audience to understand what the character was doing and what was really going on. I did stick to the the same story but I could have added a bit more conventions that a coming of age film has.

4) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project?

- Make sure the audio is loud and clear

- Add a range of shots
- Clear narrative 
- Add all the conventions I can

5) Now you have completed the preliminary exercise, what are your current plans for your actual coursew
ork? This could include genre, narrative, characters, filming locations etc.

I may do a horror because it is easy to find locations for it around the neighbourhood, I'll add a minimal amount of characters and I'll make sure that the narrative catches peoples attentions with lots of tension and I may end it with a cliff hanger


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