Genre blog task


1) What example is provided of why visual iconographies are so important?

- Iconographies are important because it show us visually what the genre is about and makes it easier for the viewer to notice what the theme, the example used is if the right lighting is used on a character sitting behind a desk then we will most likely connect it to news broadcast.

2) What examples are provided of the importance of narrative in identifying genre?

-The way the story is told is important because it makes it easy to identify genre.

3) What is the difference between character representation in action movies and disaster movies?

4) What are the different ways films can be categorised according to Bordwell? 

a) They use their prior knowledge of the genre to anticipate
whether or not they are likely to enjoy a text. This helps when
selecting a media text whether it is a lifestyle magazine, a film
or a television programme.

b) They are able to compare a text through its shared
characteristics with another. If you try to describe a TV
programme to someone who has not seen it, you are likely to
define its genre and then clarify what other text it is similar to.

c) They also use their knowledge of genre to reject a text. For
many of us there will be genres we actively dislike and therefore
will avoid accessing texts we assume to hold those

d) In addition to this, the knowledge we have of genre prepares
us when we start to access a media text. Chandler states that
Genre ‘frames the reader’s interpretation of a text.’ In other
words, knowledge of a genre means we will have certain
expectations of the text that we expect to be fulfilled.

5) List three ways genre is used by audiences.

6) List three ways genre is used by institutions or producers.

7) What film genre is used as an example of how genres evolve? What films and 
conventions are mentioned?


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