Film Poster Analysis 

1) What do you think the film is about and what do you think the story line might be?
2) What genre(s) do you think the film might belong to?
3) Who do you think is the target audience?

Film No.1 - Blade Runner 

Image result for blade runner


From the poster I can tell that the film has a science fiction element to it because there seems to be spacecraft very visible on the poster and the lighting also makes it seem very sci-fi. I can also infer this because the font adds to the look they was trying to convey.
I can work out from the images that the story line has some type of romance seeing as there is a lady on the front cover, holding a cigarette which also gives elements of film noir and the fact that the male on the front cover is holding a gun gives hints that there is action and violence in this film.

Story line:


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