Marxism & Hegemony

Mail Online review of Capital

1) Re-read the Mail Online review of Capital. Why does it suggest that Capital features a left-wing ideology?

- The daily mail suggests this because they have and promote lots of ideas that left wing believe. For example the rich are seen to be very greedy and ungrateful and the the immigrant is made to seem as very hardworking and the audience automatically feel some type of sympathy for her.

2) Choose three quotes from the review that are particularly critical of Capital and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why?

"Everything British came in for a dose of loathing"

"Capital started off with an intriguing idea...but that concept went nowhere." 
''It wasn't that plot that attracted the BBC drama in the first place''

I agree with these statements to a certain extent because the idea at the start was intertesting and it draws in the audience with the stranger taking pictures on the expensive houses and then posting "we want what you have"

3) What scenes or characters from Capital could be read as promoting left-wing ideology?

When the banker is not satisfied with his 30 grand bonus, " what use is 30 grand to anybody?" it empahsises the greed of rich people

4) What about the other side of the argument - are there any aspects of Capital that reinforce the status quo in capitalist London?
Capitalist London is all about working hard and getting results at the end and in Capital that is shown alot such as the immmigrant working hard and the banker.

Media Magazine feature on BBC drama The Casual Vacancy and ideology

Now go to our Media Magazine archive and read the feature 'The Beeb, The Mail and JKR' in MM53 (page 20). This focuses on the politics of The Casual Vacancy, another BBC three-part drama based on a book by JK Rowling.


Answer the questions below:
1) Why did the Daily Mail suggest The Casual Vacancy promoted a left-wing ideology?
- Because the stereotypes are clearly shown such as the immigrant being a hardworker and the banker being greedy
2) How does the article suggest characters, narrative and setting are used to promote a left-wing ideology?
It suggests that through the actual narrative Capital is telling and the way the characters come across to the audience it reinforces some of the main ideologies that the left wing has.
3) What research is quoted regarding BBC bias and what did it find? Do you think the BBC is biased?

4) Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggests people are kept under control through active consent - the control of 'common sense'. How could you apply the Daily Mail or the BBC to the idea of hegemony and dominant ideologies in the UK media?


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